Postdoc position on evolution of desert rodents

My colleagues and I are announcing a postdoc position to work on the evolution of desert rodents. We are looking for somebody with experience in the analysis of genomics and transcriptomics data. More information is below and here:

*** Postdoc in ecological genomics of desert adaptation ***

Post-doctoral position in animal ecological genomics is available at the CIBIO/InBio, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Portugal (, to work with the BIODESERTS team ( Successful applicant will coordinate laboratory work and bioinformatical analyses at CIBIO/InBio, in close collaboration and visits at University of Oulu ( and Free University of Berlin ( Candidate will have the opportunity to participation in field work in North Africa ( investigating unique desert rodents.

This project investigates the effect of past climatic changes on the genomic architecture of adaptation using Sahara desert specialist, Jaculus jaculus. Since the formation of the Sahara, during the Mid-Upper Pliocene, the region went through several climate changes. Those changes influenced habitat structure of recently described cryptic species within Jaculus jaculus. Discovery of divergence in fur coloration and camouflage lead to the hypothesis that Jaculus species specialized to explore divergent habitats. In this project we ask: what is the role of climate changes in shaping the genomic architecture of adaptations to extreme desert conditions, camouflage and habitat specialization?

Funding is available for up to 32 months with renewal after first year of satisfactory performance. Salary level is according to the Portuguese state foundation (gross: 2130 €/month, net: 1480-1560 €/month, plus allowances/social security/insurance).

Qualifications. Candidate should have PhD in biology, or equivalent, with specialization in genomics/transcriptomics, experienced in analytical work (SNP calling, population demography and genomics, sequence mapping, gene expression analysis, network analytics). Knowledge in molecular laboratory work (methods: ddRAD sequencing including museum samples, transcriptome sequencing) is preferred.

Interested candidates should submit: 1) a letter of interest (maximum 1 page), 2) a CV (maximum 3 pages), and 3) a list of publications (indicating publications as first/corresponding author, and those with/without previous supervisors) to: Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Inquires should be addressed to:

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