Category Archives: Uncategorized
Network evolution paper
Stefano’s paper on the evolution of the transcription factor network in the primate prefrontal cortex has been published in GBE. While the functional output of that network seems to be conserved across the investigated primates, the network has evolved more … Continue reading
EVOP moved to the FU
After six successful editions of our Programming for Evolutionary Biology course in Leipzig, we are currently running the first edition at the FU. The outline and philosophy of the course stayed the same; just the location changed. We, organizers, lecturers, … Continue reading
New Postdoc: Vladimir Jovanovic
We are welcoming the second postdoc in our group! Alvaro came with us from Leipzig to continue as a postdoc. Vladi is from the university of Belgrade. He will be 50% in our group and spend 50% of his time … Continue reading
Our HAR1 paper is published
Part of Bia’s PhD project was the analysis of HAR1 evolution. HAR1 is the fastest evolving sequence in the human genome and is part of two overlapping long non-coding RNAs. Bia’s paper “Temporal ordering of substitutions in RNA evolution: Uncovering … Continue reading
Marko Dunjic joins our group
Marko, a highly talented student from Belgrade, Serbia is joining our group for an internship. He is interested in the molecular causes of psychiatric disorders. During his half a year internship he will explore the evolution of long non-coding RNAs … Continue reading
New comparative network method published
Our paper “A composite network of conserved and tissue specific gene interactions reveals possible genetic interactions in glioma” was published in PLoS Computational Biology. This was a collaborative work with the group of Eivind Almaas in Trondheim, Norway, lead by … Continue reading
PEB Conference in Poland
The third PEB conference took place in Bialowieza, Poland, in the Fall 2017. After PEB at CIBIO in Porto and in Belgrade, Serbia, this was another very successful and fun conference. We heard many interesting talks and enjoined well-prepared bioinformatics … Continue reading
Moved to Freie Universität Berlin
I accepted the position in the Spring 2017 and am now professor at the Freie Universität Berlin since 1st of July 2017. After being professor for Bioinformatics at the University of Hohenheim for about 1.5 years, I am now starting my … Continue reading
Programming for Evolutionary Biology
One last time in Leipzig: Our programming course will take place in March next year. You can still apply for it until the end of this year. More information about the course are here:
Alvaro defended his PhD
Late but not forgotten: Alvaro defended his PhD this August. Congratulations to an excellent thesis and defense!